
Peterborough Museum Ghost Hunt – £59 (VIP £53.10) 24/04/21

By Visited 4245 times

Start Date: 24th April 2021
End Date: 25th April 2021
Time: 8:00 pm to 2:00 am

Location: Peterborough Museum, Priestgate, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE1 1LF

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A return to a Most Haunted and Fright Nights favourite – Peterborough Museum,  This incredible venue that has 8 known ghosts that are regularly seen and heard! Will you experience paranormal activity in its haunted cellar?

The Peterborough Museum Ghost Hunt includes:-
History and Hauntings tour with Guide
Mediumship walkround – who haunts tonight?
Psychic and Ghost Hunting Equipment
Experiments including seances and glass divination
Ghost Hunting Vigils in the dark
Hot Drinks and Biscuits
Expert advice and discussion about the paranormal
Your chance to stay in a haunted location at night!

Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery has been a museum since 1931, but the building itself dates from 1816 and was the town house of newly-weds, Thomas and Charlotte Cooke. In 1856 the Priestgate mansion was sold to the 3rd Earl Fitzwilliam, who allowed it to be used as the city”s first hospital, the Peterborough infirmary from 1857 until 1928.
Many of the original Georgian features can still be seen today, as can traces of its use as a hospital – The old operating theatre is set up with props to detail how it may have looked, but the original wall tiles and floor tiles still remain!
The museum is one of the most consistently active locations Fright Nights visit and has eight regularly reported ghosts. They include:
A grey figure, said to be the ”Lonely ANZAC”, First World War soldier Thomas Hunter who died in the building in 1916 from wounds received in France. His ghost is seen on the stairs or first floor corridor, and was most recently seen only last year (2015). A strange figure was also caught on camera on the stairs in April 2007.
A ghostly kitchen maid who fell to her death on the back stairs. Female visitors report the impression of being pushed from behind by invisible hands, many people feel unwell in this area and strange noises have been heard.
A dark male presence has been seen and felt lurking near the Museum”s recreation of a period shop on the first floor.
On display in the Museum’s archaeology gallery, is an object thought to be haunted by it’s previous owner.
A white lady who follows visitors around the upper floor of the building.
Poltergeist activity has been reported in one of the ground floor rooms – furniture has been found mysteriously moved overnight.
A child returns in spirit form in the Geology gallery, leaving messages on tape recordings as well as terrifying a workman.
The Museum”s eerie ancient cellar has a particular reputation, where slamming doors, strange noises and a threatening male presence have been reported. Items have been thrown at some ghost hunters, and a hooded figure has been seen in the cellar!
Banging doors, ghostly footsteps and voices, unaccountable smells, mysterious lights and orbs have all also been reported around the building….
The night begins with a tour, with a member of the museum team. The tour will also include areas that are usually closed to the general public including the back stairs, where people have reported a ghostly servant falling to her death.

The event also includes workshops, using ghost hunting equipment and sitting in ghost hunting vigils. Accompanying you will be paranormal investigators and clairvoyant mediums, with the knowledge and experience to place you in situations that could spark off ghostly activity!

You will be staying in one of the most haunted buildings in Britain so we suggest that you bring cameras, camcorders and other recording equipment, you may be lucky enough to capture something truly paranormal!
“That night must go down in my book as being the most amazing night I’ve had in my life, the events of that night could never have been expected beforehand.” T MacInnes

Please note: Over 18’s only and NO pregnant women allowed as per our insurance cover. Venue is unsuitable for disabled guests due to the nature of the building. NO accommodation is provided unless specifically detailed. For more information please see our full terms and conditions here. This event is organised by Fright Nights Cambridgeshire.

With thanks to Fright Nights Cambridgeshire for the Research & Detailed Write-up for this event.


Organised by :  Fright Nights Organizer's Address : 2 Willant Close Mobile : +447852998628 Email : Website :

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Join the longest running Original Paranormal Investigation Company in the U.K.  Taking 1,000’s of members of the public on events every year since 1999.  All the locations we visit are carefully chosen for their atmosphere and activity to give you the best experience.  Why not try one of our Ghost Hunts for yourselves?

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